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Hi guys, I have a dead iPhone 7 here. It was repaired by other shop before coming to me. It was a poor repair by someone. They tried to remove the audio chip but failed. I can see they used lot of heat trying to remove the audio chip and shorted it underneath. Knowing the cause of the short, I swiftly removed the audio chip, now the short was gone, the phone was able to turn on without any issue, however, I noticed the baseband was gone, there is no firmware in settings . I guess the baseband was somehow disturbed in the previous failed repair. There is no option left but to remove and reball the baseband CPU. I successfully removed the baseband CPU and without pulling any pads. However, the phone won’t turn on. :( My question is, will an iPhone 7 turn on without a baseband CPU? I know iPhone 6 series can turn on without a baseband, but I am not sure on iPhone 7.

You need baseband CPU to boot up the iPhone. If too much heat was used for audio IC removable previously I would suspect baseband CPU needed to be reballed. When you mean baseband CPU did you mean baseband PMIC?