Chosen Solution

Hello all. about a year ago my iphone 6s decided that it no longer wanted to charge effectively. Max charge I have been able to acquire is 10%, but the charge falls rapidly and hovers around 1-4% when left on a charger (it will lose charge while on the charger as well). I tried a different battery, different cables and blocks, even had the device looked at at one point. From what the tech said, the port carries a charge just fine and is not in need of replacement. I am currently attempting to back it up onto my laptop with the little charge remaining, so it communicates with my computer just fine. At one point the tech posited that it could be a “tristar” chip malfunction? from my cursory searching that isn’t a part i am capable of replacing. I’m running an older OS and once I’ve backed my phone up I’ll see if updating the OS helps (but restoring my phone didn’t seem to help last time). Is there any way to get a more definitive answer or alternatively, what is the best route for me to get my phone fixed? It is not a pressing matter since I’ve got an 8 that works well right now, but it never hurts to have spare devices on hand. Thank you for your time.

Sounds like a tigris / tristar chip first. I would bring the phone to a reputable store that does micro-soldering to fix the charging problem most likely caused by either of those chips.