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I changed battery on iphone 6s, everything was working perfectly. Then after a couple of days customer came back, phone was completly dead. The battery was completely drained/discharged, had to jumpstart the battery to get it working again. Its not the port or cable since multiple customers has complained now. Does anyone know if new IOS update has any issues or has experienced this before?

Hi Nicolay. We have been seeing a large number of battery complaints on this forum of late. My suspicion is that with the huge, worldwide demand for batteries following Throttle-gate, lot’s of really poor quality batteries are making there way through the supply chain that otherwise would not under normal demand. I have even noticed a large number of complaints regarding iFixit batteries, which are normally a gold standard as far as battery supplier goes. So even if you have a great relationship with your supplier, they may just be seeing some bad batteries slip through. That’s just my humble opinion though :>).

Are you using quality batteries? I would recommend iFixits batteries. Cheaper batteries can just straight up quit after a while, now a couple days sounds insane for any battery, but that is all I can think of. Also, this may be common sense, but make sure the battery is not bent, damaged, or under extreme heat.