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I run a phone store in Ireland and have been encountering a large number of swollen batteries in iPhone 6s that I have sold lately. I replace battery in each phone before sale but I have had 4 6s back in the past week all same screen has rose up due to the new battery swelling. There is no water damage in these devices and seem to last about a week to 10 days before swelling up. I have not changed my battery supplier but could this be the issue, a bad batch of batteries? Could it come from the chargers i use to charge these for the 1st time (genuine apple plug and cable) Very odd and just wondering has anyone any ideas or simply down to the batteries I have bought in?

If you are using a genuine Apple charger and cable, then the logical answer is that you received a bad batch of batteries. I would double check with your supplier. If you are buying from eBay, I would look at dealing with a reputable supplier. Unfortunately, I don’t know the supplier landscape in the UK.