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Hi guys this is pins under u1401… this scar is little deeper i have photos attached . I need to know how can i get back those pins that damaged

The picture is not very clear and it’s a little difficult to get the orientation right so I’ll give you a more generalized answer. Perhaps is your digital microscope allows you to export pictures, then you can post it here. When pads get ripped, you essentially have to run a jumper from where it should connect directly to underneath the IC in question. You have to use very thin wire as you can’t create a situation where it raises the IC causing other pads to not connect properly. Several vendors sell 0.02mm enamelled wire. You will need to use UV-Curable mask to hold the jumpers in place. Here’s are a few examples:

So use the schematic and Pads viewer to figure what connects where and run the jumpers.