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Hi my iPhone 6 white on silver recently died and I can’t figure out why. I was doing a normal battery replacement and that was it I made sure the right screws were in there places and didn’t plug the battery in till the screen was reconnected. I took it off to make it easier to take the old battery out. I checked voltages and everything is turning out normal. But one perculiar thing is that it is still recognized in dfu mode but when I try to restore it it fails instantly. I thought maybe corrupt firmware but turns out more then that. Any help is appreciated cheers

It appears like you took all the necessary precautions however something went wrong. You say the voltages check out…can you share what voltage you measured on the replacement battery? Go back and do a good visual inspection, preferably with magnification, of the connectors on the logic board and the surrounding areas. Look for damaged pins, debris or missing or partially dislodged components. If you see anything doubtful, come back and post pictures.

Some times bad connection of battery to battery connector causes that issues.First focus on that the battery connector is normal or pin missed.