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Hey, So I just recently changed the battery and the screen for my iPhone 6 Plus and it is not turning on, I tested the screen by using the backup power source (plug in with battery cable disconnected) and the Apple logo showed and everything looked fine. Could someone tell me what went wrong or what I can do in order to find the problem? Thanks

Well, I just kept on unplugging and plugging in the connections and tried many different things, and it just worked out of nowhere. The strange part is the metal shield plate covering the battery cable located under the 4 main connections to the screen, when I had it on, the phone would be unpredictable like turn on and be fine for some hours and then turn off unexpectedly and I cannot turn it back on, I removed the metal shield plate and that seemed to have solved the problem somehow, the phone has been working fine for the last day or so.

Too many variables ;>)… I would go back and install the original components, assuming they worked nominally. If the phone works fine with the originals, then proceed to replace one item at a time to see where the problem lies.

Well If the phone works good with a power supply then everything is okay , try an othe battery and tell us what happens after