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Hello all, I have a iphone 6 which i did a screen replacement on. After the screen replacement i notice that the microphone doesn’t work. (The one for siri and the other one for calling) I then order a new flex cable, and put this on. Now the siri microphone works, but not the one when caling. I have tried taking it apart again and seeing if everything is lined up. I even tested with another flex cable i have here, which was from another iphone. And everything worked fine on that phone. Can anyone tell me where ecatly this microphone is, and does anyone have a clue what can be wrong? Thanks!
The microphone for calls is on the Lightning cable. Its not uncommon at all for them to go bad. Its not common for both to go out at once but…I’ve seen weirder things. Replace the Lightning cable and you should be all set. iPhone 6 Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack iPhone 6 Lightning Connector Assembly Replacement