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I have an iphone 6 that was updated thru settings to latest iOS and failed and needed to be restore with iTunes. I did so like 5 times now and it keeps failing with error 56. I’ve tried new cables, new dock connector, latest iTunes, tied both windows and Mac OS but it keeps giving the error. what causes this and how can I fix it? Thanks

Asked and answered: What is (unknown error 56) iPhone 6

100% solution NFC IC REBALL & JOB DONE 100% TESTED

Yeah from days of research and a @%^$$@$ iPhone that is still stuck, I have concluded that it is either the NFC chip (which was working perfectly fine, I have no idea why it died), or my touch id button (tried original and spare ones, original is cracked and touch id may no longer work, but chip on it is in working condition, or my cables/$@$!& wiring. Someone please help me before I hang myself. Why are androids so easy to fix and iPhones stubborn @%^$$@$# who can’t take the slightest beating from command prompt or terminal? Its always the iTunes $@$ that gets me every time. Anyways I am buying a new iPhone tomorrow with hopes that I can have a working phone, but chraiglsist seller isn’t responding and I am getting nervous and sad. &&^&^$^ !&&* I am killing myself.

sometimes error 56 is caused by the power supply of camera on iphone 6. exchange the both camera(which i dont think it would works) and check the cricket might fix ur problem.