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Hi all, I have an iphone 5s that I bought used last year. On thursday it started shutting off and needed charge to turn back on, even though it was fully charged. It got worse and worse over the next few days until by Sunday it would not turn on at all, even when it’s plugged it. It would show the Apple white screen logo for half a second, then turn back off. I took it to an Apple store today and they said that the logic board was stuck in a boot loop, and that they can’t repair that. Unfortunately, I’m in Japan where only apple techs can work on Apple phones. Is it true that Apple can’t fix this problem? What about if I take it back to the US? And whats the likelihood of getting my data off this phone? I don’t have a recent backup to restore too. Thank you so much.

Have Apple technicians opened up the phone and run a diagnostic or did they decline repair without even trying ? Behavior you describe sometimes is related to a faulty battery and it would be a pity not to try a replacement before giving up. If battery replacement would not solve your issue you should try to find an indipendent lab performing component level repairs to get back your phone working first in order to back up data. I’ve never been to Japan but I’m quite confident you should be able to find someone replacing a battery to start with.