Chosen Solution

Hi there everyone, I recently bought an iphone 5s which doesn’t recognize any SIM Card put into it. The strange thing about it is that the iPhone doesn’t ask for the SIM Card in the first place. My usual experience with iPhones is that, if you dont have a SIM card inside, there will be a notification telling you that. This time around there’s nothing, which is why I wonder if my problem is possibly slightly different to the normal SIM Card not working one. Maybe its a software error? Thanks, Minas

There is a “switch” built into the SIM card reader to detect the presence of a card. Normally, the phone should notify you if a SIM card is not present, as you suspect. So the fact that you are not being notified leads me to suspect an issue with the SIM card reader. You could open up the phone and take a closer look at the reader to see if there is any internal damage. The reader can be replaced but it requires a micro-soldering repair.