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Hello I have an iphone repair business, but have come across a problem that I have not seen before. I have an iPhone 5G which displays the lightening symbol when plugged into the mains, but the battery will not charge. I have tried replacing both the charge flex and the battery, but the phone appears to be showing the same symptoms. Would anyone have any ideas? I am guessing that it might well be a board issue now Many thanks in advance John

John, the way to proceed would be a new battery first (which you already did), if that does not work replace the lightning connector. Should this fail as well, you will have to take a close look at your logic board. It is possible that you are having problems with the charging circuit. You may have problems with the USB IC protector or the charging IC. Take a look at those components and check for missing or burned components. To repair them you would have to reflow the BGA IC or even replace it with a reball. This is intricate repair and will require the right tools and the right skills. If you have not done that, you may want to leave it for a professional to do. So go with the easy stuff first.Hope this helps, good luck.

Unfortunately In iphone 5G you can’t replace the charge IC, trying to do that will damage the processor and then it’s the end.

i phone 5g no charging symbol