Chosen Solution

Hi guys, My iphone 5 was originally water damaged so i put out to dry for 2 days and then another 2 days in the rice bag and then cleaned it. replaced the LCD and battery. All started working fine and keep working for 2 months and then all of sudden no display while the phone was working but without display. I ordered another screen and replaced it but no luck. The phone detects in itune just fine. I also checked the LCD connector which seems fine too. Not sure what to look next. Any suggestions? Thanks for time and help in advance Regards, Ehtisham

Rice was you first mistake it simply does nothing it’s a big myth.. Phone should have been opened up and cleaned with ISO alcohol.

I have to agree with con. You’re best bet would be to disassemble, clean, assemble, try a new screen, and see if the phone is recoverable, but it is possible the issue could be caused by damaged to the logic board.