Chosen Solution

Dear all, I have myself replaced the home button of my iPhone 5, the button itself and the ribbon cable. Since then, sometimes the home button is slightly tilted to the left and sometimes to the right, which is a little bit annoying. When I carefully disassembly the home button + the rubber gasket I noticed there was between the rubber gasket and the display assembly a very thin layer of adhesive. Could be this adhesive the responsible for keeping the home button aligned or there is something I am missing? If so, where could I get this adhesive? Any help will be welcome.

If Apple did the same thing they did with the 4 and the 4s then yes. Unfortunately that very thin layer of adhesive is responsible for holding the home button in place… I’m not sure where you would be able to get the adhesive but when I did the repair on my 4s I just placed a cut strip of electrical tape over the back of the home button and it did the trick! Haven’t had a problem since! EDIT: Looking back at the teardown of the iPhone 5 it seems they introduced a support bracket that I assume was supposed to help with this problem (iPhone 5 Teardown)… I would check to make sure that bracket is fully tightened down, otherwise I guess you could try the tape method. Either way good luck!

I have used a piece of two sided tape it worked fine. Hope this helps