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4 days ago my nephew dropped my phone in the commode while I was sleeping. Thankfully my sister says she took it out immediately but the water obviously went inside. When I asked her if she switched it Off she said it went off itself and the flashlight at the back remained On. After that she kept it in the rice box, tightly closed. I took the phone out after almost 50 something hours and connected it to the charger but it did not switch on so I kept it back in the rice box and today I took it out again after 48 hours and it is still not switching On. Someone please help me. I really need to switch this on.

I don’t think it will harm the rice to much. But the fact that it was toilet water would dissuade me from wanting to cook it. Oh, BTW Using rice as a desiccant is an old wives tale. I’d open it up iPhone 4S Battery Replacement and use this guide to clean it: Electronics Water Damage