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I am looking to replace a missing nut that was hidden behind the Wi-fi antenna which connected to the logic board. For nut is was connected to the screw marked yellow in Step 13 (iPhone 4 Display Assembly Replacement). I’ve seen two posts regarding this but no solid leads on where i can purchase it. Ive contacted several resellers and they only offer the screws. Thanks in advance

The yellow circle screw is possibly the smallest screw in the iPhone. Lack of this screw or the round serrated edge nut it goes into should not interfere with the iPhone function at all. I think the only function of this screw nut combination is to help hold down the cover shield, but is not necessary for any function I can see. If your iPhone has functional problems look elsewhere for the cause of the problem.

The nut is without purpose IMHO. In every 3rd iPhone of my customers that nut is separated from the logic boards and their wifi is fine. In my opinion it is a predetermined breaking point. If the iPhone fell down it will easily break off. I guess when it is missing, Apple Technician can tell that somebody tampered with the iPhone already. So if you are fixing an iPhone for a customer who still is under warranty, better put it inside there again after you are done. Just hold the nut with a tweezer while you tighten the screw.

It has something because I have this problem too… I broke this nut from logic board and my wifi is greyed out, and I have Mac adress of bluetooth,and IMEI, just wifi shows N/A

@Ciclajbek did you every fixed the grayed out wifi problem on your phone?? because i can not figure out why my wifi is grayed out.

i’ve lost that nut too, and the wifi signal its very bad, ussualy being not available or just with 1 line maximum 2

on wifi antena on iphone 4 where does each screw go because i have 5 and they are diffrent sizes and im not sure wich one goes where please help asap thanks????