Chosen Solution

My iPad2 was running the original iOS and started getting “flaky” (the technical term?) so, last month, I downloaded 9.5.3 and, wait for it, things got worse. Random slow page loads, but worst of all, pages disappear and I get the dreaded “a problem has occurred with this page and it is being reloaded”. To torture myself, I watched a page do this over and over for 5 minutes. I have run a reboot (500 times, minimum), reset, erased history and a number of other suggestions found on the interweb, to no avail. The problem seems worse on pages with lots of ads and sidebars. My Times subscription has become useless since I can’t read fast enough between reloads. Also, the problem happens during “reader view” too. And another thing! Autofill doesn’t work. My iPad has become a brick. Help me Obi Wan.

The older iPads and iPhones turn into sloths when you install iOS 9.X.