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We did this repair a few days ago for a client and all was ok—except 3 days after the repair, client came back notifying that iPad was not charging. We believe that we forgot the screw that attach the board to the battery, and when we verify, yes it was not there! We put it back ……but still no charge, no boot! iPad was working all good except for the digitizer crack before we worked on it!! Anyone have any experience with this?? Maybe power ic or charger ic? We already tried new battery!!

I can see a few possibilities here… The screw stayed inside the iPad and may have move around and shorted some pins or causing damage.Because the screw was not securing the battery connection to the logic board, some spiking may have occurred, damaging the charging IC.Do you know for certain that the iPad was properly charging before the repair? It may have been coincidentally damaged from the same impact that cracked the screen. The customer may not have noticed. I don’t say the third lightly so that you can wash your hands from this problem. It is most likely caused by the missing screw. That said, it’s worth investigating. If you are comfortable with probing the logic board, then check the power rails to the Tristar IC. Otherwise, you will need to find a repair shop that can do micro-soldering repairs.

Hi, I had the same problem, I changed the screen and digitizer to my grandson’s iPad air a1474 and once the battery was drained the iPad was not charging. I spent the full week reading posts and answers without any satisfaction. I experimented the ghost phenomena and I could not connect to the computer but the iPad was working if connected to the wall plug. In one of the posts I read that Apple leaves some of the screws loose but in many years of fixing all types of iPods I never discovered this previously. I opened again the iPad for the tenth time and tried to put a lot of pressure over the battery connector to the logic board. I maintained the pressure for several minutes, and to my surprise finally the battery started to charge. I replaced the little screw and this time I tightened it. My problem it is finally solved.