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Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable. I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a “grey curtain” being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally. I am not sure if I should try a restore, I’m afraid to brick it. Anyone solved an issue like this before? Or can suggest something to start with? Thanks!

I had same problem 2 weeks ago, I dont know if its related but after i done update for iOS 8.1.2 about an hour later it shut down then booted back up and shut down again and just kept looping. I plugged in the charger but it just kept looping and switching off still so I took charger back out and left it looping till it died completely. By this point i got so frustrated I left it dead for 3 days, I dont know if it matters how long it was left off but I had a brainwave to plug the usb charger into my Wii and left it there for five minute and all of a sudden it woke up to the home screen and its been on ever since. Im no expert but i think leaving it off for a few days actually helped. I imagine if its stuck in a loop Then so too is the clock in which the boot system uses to start up but like i said im no expert but it seemed to work for me thankfully. Ive had similar problem with laptops and desktops stuck on a loop and Believe it or not the bios time showing wrong time and date was a big part of the problem when stuck in a loop. I hope this helps.

Hi Rany, Is it recognized by USB in that state? It may be possible to use some kind of third party software like iTools to read the real time log. This is probably going to be drop damage to the PMIC and it just isn’t outputting the right signal :( The only solvable thing that I can think of is just bad battery. If any iDevice fails to receive the input from the battery of the battery temp, and the battery gas gauge–it shuts off. A failure in these lines can come from the battery itself, or some damage to the board that broke continuity in the line (not on the radar screen if the iPad was unopened prior to the problem) Side note: check out iFixit meta—I passed your Troubleshooting section idea over there. Apparently we already are doing this!

in settings - general - about , you see modem firmware and imei? if not problem is in flex between logic board and modem board

Cannot find who gave me the idea of unplugging my charger and when iPad starts up plug it into the outlet…… It WORKED… STOPPING THE CONSTANT LOOPING!

I’m having the same problem