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I am trying to repair an Ipad 2. The original issue was that it was not charging because it falls down. In the first review, the charging dock looks broken from the outside, so I proceed to replace it. But now, with the new dock, the Ipad still not charging. (there are no signs of the charging icon and it does not turn it on when the charger is connected) When I connect the charger, it seems not to do anything. The LCD works, the Home button works, but there is a problem with the Power button. It does not work when pressing it. Some ideas or where shuold I review?

It is possible that the replacement flex you installed is also defective; small parts tend to have higher failure rates. Otherwise, closely inspect the connector on the logic board. Does it get recognized by iTunes when you connect it? If it still won’t charge but is recognized by iTunes, then it may be an issue with the actual charge circuit.