Chosen Solution

I opened up my Wii U system because it was intermittently not reading discs. I cleaned the laser with 91% ISO and now the system “sees” the disc, but after spinning the disc for 5+ seconds, it says “invalid disc.” Tried with multiple known working games. Any ideas?

@jcloud15, Yes, you will have to swap the drive’s logic board, as it is paired to the system’s motherboard. Here is the guide for removing the disk drive: Nintendo Wii U DVD Drive Replacement However, it does not cover replacing the logic board. Just undo the screws holding the case together and seek out those internal parts. You may also want to reconsider just swapping the laser, as it may be cheaper. Hope this helps!

Hi, dismantle the set to the dvd drive. Nintendo Wii U DVD Drive Replacement open up the the dvd drive carefully. Inside there is a lens mechanism which you need to replace. im not sure if there are different vendor lens or maker around but compare yours with the ebay one before purchasing.

ebay search: Nintendo Wii U lens

You might have destroyed the lenses coating and it’s focus by putting the alcohol on it. I would aim for a replacement of the optical disc unit.

Thanks for the reply. Would you recommend replacing the entire optical drive or would replacing the laser probably fix it? Anything to look out for regarding drive replacement (ex. pcb swap required?)