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My Intuos 5 tablet has recently stopped working and i believe the problem is the port connecting to my tablet (it’s a USB mini-b [5pin] connector). it seems like the port has wiggled out of place and is not longer connected to the tablet internally, i have used multiple cables and usb ports on my computer so i know the problem must be the connection on the tablet, i bought a wireless adapter to avoid using the cable but it doesn’t seem to work, i got a wall charger for the batteries but it wont turn on; the instructions say to power the battteries via cable but i dont see why it’d make a difference. if you have a solution to either of these problems i’d love to know. i’m fairly tech savvy and im capable of repairs however i don’t want to try to disassemble my tablet unless i have some idea what to expect

With these Wacom tablets, the large ones specifically there are about two or more separate boards that are easily removable. The main one in question would be the charging port board. Luckily disassembling these is not a problem as you basically only need to remove a cover to get to the board usually. The harder part would be removing the charging port and soldering a new one on. With a rework station and a soldering iron you can get it replaced. You can buy a rework station kit for about $80 online.