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I have recently installed Ubuntu to my newly partitioned hard drive, on the other partition is Mac OS X. In Mac OS X, I can use Safari, Firefox or Opera to browse the web. In Ubuntu, my only browser at present is Firefox. I am unable to connect to the internet, I have tried some Network settings but I have never used Linux before. How do I connect to the internet?

If you prefer a graphical interface and depending if you are using Gnome or KDE this will help you.

If you have a router, or one of the newer DSL modems - do NOT try connecting using PPPoE directly from the computer. You will then be logging in when you are already logged in. The router or DSL modem should handle the PPPoE connection, not your computer. As to why you might not be connecting to the internet from the Linux side, try entering in terminal “ifconfig” and make sure you are getting an IP address. You might even try setting a static IP address and see if that helps the situation. Some (older) home routers can’t deal with a computer restarting into another OS. It sees the mac address as the same, but for some reason doesn’t like the different OS. Restarting the router seems to help on these. I have seen it mainly on old Linksys routers.

Hi, You might take a look at this URL. Ralph

The internet should “just work”. Try powering the computer on with the ethernet cable plugged in. Open up a terminal (Applications>Accessories>terminal) and type the command “lspci” without the quotes. This should tell you what ethernet hardware you have and whether Ubuntu is having a hard time. type the command “dmesg” which outputs information about the boot process. Look for errors here. Lastly, congratulations for trying Linux but more importantly welcome to the Linux community! Don’t be shy. Hop on irc and ask around…. There may also be a Linux User Group (LUG) in your area.

Use the Ubuntu Help, it’s on the taskbar, I think. The option for connecting to internet should be there. I’d tell you the method, but I don’t know the type of connection you have. If you’ve got a PPPOE Ethernet based ADSL, you open Terminal [Applications>Accessories>Terminal] and type sudo pppoeconf. Use all the default options, fill your password. It connects to net automatically for the first time, for subsequent times, use the commands sudo pon dsl-provider [For connecting] and sudo poff dsl-provider for disconnecting. And yeah, make sure you add sudo before every command.