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Hi I have problem with my Macbook Air. The internal keyboard and trackpad doesn’t work anymore. Keybord illumination is working fine and the power button also. If I plug in an USB mouse and / or keyboard both work fine. I changed the cable from top case to logic board - still not working. With the external keyboard, I did the hardware test - everything ok - and nvram reset - no change. Some people told me about troubles with Sierra. Since yesterday I have the latest version - but still not working. Does anybody have another idea to make the MacBook work again? I need it! Thanks, Stig Update (11/12/2016) Is there a possibility to identify the problem? Software? Diagnosis Subsystem? Problem Update: After a SMC reset the keyboard and mouse it’s working for ~ 1 minute (with interuptions). Is the problem the USB controller? Does anybody have any advise? Update (11/12/2016) Thank you. My Macbook is working fine currently.

Update (15.11.2016) After one day, devices stopped working again.

OPTIONS This problem has to do with the top casing (keyboard). It occurs when the keyboard is replaced with another keyboard of a different model. Unusual power consumption of the new keyboard causes the random trip offs. For example if you try to use another component (eg inbuilt iSight Web cam) that shares the same USB hub, the keyboard/trackpad trips off. Also restarting the system trips off the keyboard/trackpad. There’s a temporary fix though… If the keyboard/trackpad trips off, use the system till battery dies and goes off by itself; leave it for about a day without charging, then plug in the charger and turn on the system. The keyboard and trackpad should come on. When you have your keyboard/trackpad working; my advise is: Never restart your system. When you are through working with it, just close the lid (sleep), DONT SHUT DOWN OR RESTART! Don’t use the inbuilt iSight camera. GOOD LUCK. Feedbacks would be appreciated

Check the board on the trackpad for liquid damage. Try a test trackpad. The trackpad cable you used, definitely the same one (check the part number to make sure it matches the original)? If this does not work, and you have tried the software resets, it will be a fault with the logic board. Check the connectors for the cable, since this can be affected by liquid easily.

Let’s try a different direction here. Your reaction sounds more like a software issue Vs a hardware issue. Using your external keyboard & mouse locate the App Activity Monitor In the Utility folder. You want to launch it and then monitor CPU, Memory, Disk & Network keeping it on your desktop to the side so you can see it as you use your system. What you want to look for is to see if an app (process) is firing off in the same increment of time your mouse appears to get sluggish as you move it under CPU. Click on the headings to make the list easier to see.Look at the amount of memory being used are you getting high?Is there a pattern on disk activity when you are not doing anythingIs there a high quantity of network activity when again you are not doing anything? Let us know what you see.