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bought a used iPhone; unfortunately it is giving me some sound problem. Sometimes I hear crackling sound for a few seconds then it resumes back to normal. At times it totally does not produce any sound at all. After switching it On n off; the sound comes back again. I have restored it clean to latest 4.3.3 firmware n jb with redsn0w. Please advise if it is a hardware issue? Replace speaker? [URL=“…]…[/URL]

This could be infact a hardware issue. I’ve experienced this with aftermarket ear speakers more or less. Apple OEM speakers dont usually have this issue. That would be the first thing to check/change/replace.

Your problem may be the vibration unit built into the phone. It is the only moving part and I have had background noise generated when obstructed, loose, or defective. Have it and the radio wires checked out by a professional and replaced if neccessary.