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Is it possible that i can take the parts from a working iphone 5s and put them in another iphone 5s? If i ask a phone repair company , will they charge me for it??? Update (08/21/2016) A friend of mine is giving me his old iPhone 5s but he has it all cracked and i have a iPhone lying around that doesn’t work cause it needs a battery and charging port replacement (my friends phone does have the working charging port and battery) so i was wondering if i was just possible to take my friends old iphone parts and put them on my non-working iphone

You can do it but taking the battery out is difficult if you tear the battery adhesive tabs. The charger port however is easier. You need to make sure you do not tear the flex cable. There are guides here on how to disassemble.

It is certainly possible. What exactly are you trying to do? I’m guessing you’re trying to make one working phone out of two nonworking phones? We do this at my shop pretty often but some shops won’t do it. Of course any shop that takes on the job is definitely going to charge you for it. They’re a business, not a charity. We usually charge $50 for labor but I can’t speak for other places. Also, it of course depends on whether the two phones actually have all the necessary working parts for one phone between them.