Chosen Solution

Hi, I incidentally put 10v of voltage to pp batt vcc. After that i got pp_vcc_main and pp_batt_vcc short. Put some current to find shorted components and i found some heat on U0900. Take out U0900 and got a blown solder ball under U0900. U1202 also got shorted on Pp_vcc_main. Take out U1202. Pp_vcc_main short is gone. Before replace U1202 i checked pp_1v8_sdram. And that line also shorted to ground. Remove pp_1v8_sdram inductor besides the cpu. I found that upper part of board on pp_1v8_sdram shorted. Remove both backlight driver but the short still there. Try inject some current and freeze spray. Heat came from cpu. Is my cpu dead? No amp draw when attempting to boot. Put new pmic and pp_1v8_always shows 3.5volt. Phone before this incident can boot. Only had touch disease. Update (12/31/2017) Update: remove all caps in pp 1v8 sdram. Short still there. Then remove sdram only on top of cpu. Short is gone. It’s possible to replace sdram only?

Wow, that’s quite an adventure for a simple error… Based on my previous research onto this, I believe the SDRAM is not part of the matched set of IC’s so you should be able to replace it and get the phone working. Full Disclosure…I have not done this myself.

Thanks Minho. Installing new ram was a tricky job. Remove is easy. I end up with a couple of botched pads on cpu while cleaning the underfill of ram. I just killed the cpu. But that’s okay the phone belongs to my wife. Replaced with new working board. :) :)