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I have a vintage Imperial 520 Sewing Machine whose mechanism is stiff, and wont run freely, to the point where only cranking by hand works - too much for the motor. I have narrowed down the problem to the drive shaft that spins the bobbin holder 180 degrees - it’s quite stiff. I tried 3in1 motor machine oil, but that made it worse. I’d like to take it apart and give it a good cleaning, but there is a cam attached to the shaft by some kind of pin (see image, center, a little out of focus)

. So, my question is how do I get that pin out (or otherwise remove the shaft, and then how do I clean and properly lubricate that shaft? Thank you.

@jonathonmckay you need a drive pin punch for that. Something like this you get them relatively cheap at home depot etc. After that check your shafts for any sign of having been rubbing against a worn bushing etc. Use some grease to lubricate since oil will most likely sling off when you use the sewing machine.