Chosen Solution

Sounds like you created a short and the back light fuse is blown. To double check take a flash light and hold it a steep angle to the face of the display do you see the faint outline of your desktop icons? If you do your in luck, if not sorry to say you have a bigger problem. Are you able to solder very small chips? You’ll need to desolder and re-solder the fuse. Are you up to this or do you think it’s time to bring it in to someone who has the skills and the right gear? Let us know what you find and your direction moving forward.

what cable did the trick? I’m having the same problem.

Hi having the same issue, u mentioned u also got matting connectors as well as the cable. Is this the small plugs for the cable and if so did u have difficulty connecting them seems like that would be a hard job wouldn’t even know how to starts seems a delicate job

I have similar problem, but I got 4. LED ON. I also test inductor on motherboard and it is ok 00.6 ohms. What else should I try? I still have no light diplay! HELP!