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my laptop freezes and its slow my own laptop ram is 2gb ram if i upgrade to 4gb ram will it work better

iunasco Without knowing if your running 32 or 64 bit or for that matter what OS its hard to give a really definitive answer . Micheal is correct in his advice to monitor your usage but there are other reasons for a machine slowing down other than ram . Malware can be a culperat as well as fragmentation . so simply running a malware sweep and defraging the laptop can speed up your machine. Next as your laptop gets older the hard drive looses health and slows down . You can test this with a program like Hard Disk Sentinel. Us the free part of the program to test the health of the hard drive. Hope this helps

If you open up task manager while your computer is running( control+alt+delete the click on task manager) and go to the ‘Performance’ tab, you can see from the memory bar chart how much of the RAM your machine is using. If you monitor this while doing normal tasks you will see if more RAM will speed your machine up. If while doing normal tasks your RAM is hitting or is near maximum frequently then more RAM will speed it up. If while doing normal tasks your RAM never reaches maximum, more RAM will not speed your machine up.