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I was trying to repair my screen and stripped the screw on the metal plate next to the battery which holds down the ribbon cables I then tried to pry it to loosen it and nd it snapped taking leaving a tiny holeI continued with the repair and the phone operates normally the exception being that the home button is no longer functioning . My concern is could this cause issues further down the line I left the screw which like I said I pried off inside the metal plate and after finishing the repair proceded to screw in the surrounding 3 screws like I said it functions normally just wondering if it could cause issues further down the line

You may have damaged the HomeButton flex that runs underneath the LCD heat shield. It takes a sharp 90 degree turn before protruding out of the screen assembly and that is where it typically tears. Take a close look to see if there is any damage. As for the pried-off standoff, it’s hard to see without seeing the board (you could post a picture). If there is no logic board damage, you should be fine.