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I have a Zotac gtx 1060 6 gb, and while i was swapping to a new case, i managed to knock a little black retangle, what i believe is a resistor, off of the card. Can it be fixed, or do i need to look for a replacement?

alex collins looks like reference designator C6(8?)42 is the part. That is a capacitor not a resistor. Yo ugot plenty of room to solder and the solder pads look really good as well. Since there are no markings on the capacitor you will need a capacitance tester (some multimeter have it standard) and measure the capacitor to get a replacement. Most likely or would have it. If you do not have a capacitance meter try to get somebody that does repairs to check it for you. Electronics stores , Colleges, Trade Schools etc. will also be an option. If you cannot measure that cap measure the one in location C764. On a hunch, I bet they are the same value. Not a difficult job to fix this board.

Send a pic so i can find a replacement for you. Also you need to solder it back on! So when you go to the hardware store always get Rosin core solder With flux if possible. I also recommend you get 60/40 type that contains lead . and also you if you need to know how to solder try this video series.

If possible buy a solder iron that has Temp Control + a grounding pin on the plug.

NOTE: Try buying a mask as soldering is toxic. But if your brave you can just hold your breath and be quick!