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Keurig told me that the motor died and replaced the unit immediately. I would like to fix the broken one and give it to one my kids. Does anyone know how to replace the motor on this unit? Thanks, Peter

Looks like you can get parts here:… Do a web search for “teardown & B77”, there are several videos on taking it apart.

I have a Keurig B44 and my brother-in-law had a B77 with a broken pump. He bought a new Keurig and gave me the B77 because he knows I like to tinker and repair stuff. Is the water pump from my B44 compatible with the B77? The B77 is a much nicer unit and I’d like to just swap out the pumps. Thanks!

  • Scott

Yes, the pumps are the same. The pump is a basic dc motor with a pump mechanism. You can replace the whole pump or you can also remove the pump mechanism and just use it on the other if the motor is rusted due to water leaking from the solenoid inside.