Chosen Solution

Hey guys I read all your great responses and guides, I thought it was the hard drive in my A1470 2tb Time Capsule that was making an awful noise but I removed it but it seems it was a faulty fan. I ordered a new one from Aliexpress but I tried to remove the “mother board” that has the fan fitted on it, but its quite stuck and my question is: How do I remove the mother board and the fan, are there any screws or cables I should worry about or should i just pry it out? Best wishes from Linus in Sweden

IFIXIT pulled a fast one on you ;-} The guides and teardown under the Time Capsule heading are abbreviated versions as its twin AirPort Extreme has the complete teardown. There is not true guide to take the fan out as its quite straightforward. But, you need to review this guide to get the deeper breakdown: AirPort Extreme A1521 Teardown.