Chosen Solution

The MagSafe light mostly stays dark (but see below). Here’s what I’ve tried: Tried a different (known good) charger, with the same results.Verified that both chargers work on another Mac. they do.Checked the pins on the charger; none are stuck.Checked the MagSafe plug on the Mac; it’s clean with no signs of corrosionTried several SMC resets. Sometimes (not always) the light flashes green continuously until the Mac powers on, then the light gets dimmer and goes out.Disconnected and reconnected the battery. Here’s the the AC Charger Information from both good and bad Macs Good Mac:

Bad Mac:

Both System Info and coconutBattery report that the battery is good.I’ve run out of things to test. Suggestions welcome!

Thanks to @danj and @pifia for trying to help. I tried swapping in a known-good battery, and that didn’t help, and other questions about similar symptoms focused on the DC-in board (magsafe). Got a new DC-in board, and took apart the Mac, only to find the existing board was loose and there were several internal screws missing. Someone who didn’t know what he was doing had been screwing around in there! Anyway, it’s possible the existing DC board was good, and re-seating it would have fixed it, but I didn’t want to chance re-assembling the whole thing and not have it work. So I installed the new board, and that did indeed fix the problem.

Hey, so I spilled tea on my 2015 macbook air(13”) and had connected it to the charger after drying the liquid but obviously that was a bad idea. I contacted apple and they told me the location of an authorized service provider near me and I took it to them for a diagnosis and repair. They replaced the left I/O board or simply reassembled it I’m not sure and also changed the I/O flex cable. Now before sending in my macbook I was using a third party charger and it worked just fine however I did notice one day the condition of the battery in the menu bar said ‘replace soon’ but it never interrupted my charging whatsoever. After this repair from the authorized service provider, I noticed my charger would only charge up to a point and then it would only power my laptop and the menu bar would show ‘battery not charging’. I tried another third party charger and it charged up until 20% (from 5%) and wouldn’t charge after that. I took it to the service provider again and they used an original magsafe charger and it charged my laptop up until 41% and it stopped charging too and was only providing power to my macbook. What do you think the issue is here? Because many threads I’ve read said that fixing the I/O board should have helped. The service providers said it might need new batteries but my question is how was it working fine before I sent it to them. What I think is that they didn’t do the I/O fixing properly and this issue is simply the outcome of the tea spill which hasn’t been dealt with carefully since if the I/O board and cable have been fixed the issue shouldn’t be present.