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There are two eggs left in the carton and I don’t remember when i bought them. Are they safe to eat, do they go bad?

Isn’t there some trick about putting them in a glass of water…if they float they aren’t good. Or is that an old wives tale?

@mayer , Mayer if you break them open and they start to “beep” or have wings! Build a chicken coop, keep them, raise them and have fresh eggs all the time :-) UPDATE, I FORGOT TO MENTION WHEN IN DOUBT(((DO NOT EAT THEM)))

Put eggs in bowl of water, fresh eggs sink and old eggs float. If you have the carton, check the “Best use by” date. Last, it depends on how the eggs were stored, best to leave eggs in carton and in middle part of refrigerator instead of the door. Uncooked eggs should last 3 to 4 weeks after expiry of Best use by date if properly refridgerated.

Just cook them. If you get ill, they were bad. If you dont get ill, they were fine.

@mayer @oldturkey03 @cam2363 @theimedic @refectio @pccheese i won’t be on ifixit almost at all today since it is my birthday :)

@refectio, I have a question for you. In your “about” page, you say you’ve got a technical degree in micro electronics. What I want to know is, did something like that require a lot of math? I’m interested in learning something like that, but I hate math. Always will hate math. I could probably handle some light math, but not E=MC2 stuff that takes up an entire black boards. Did you like this course, and did it require a lot of time to study?

If they are bad, throw them at someone you don’t like.

Fry them. Cooking em’ will get rid of any bacteria and stuff. There’s always the hospital…

Put them in a bowl of water. A fresh egg has a bubble of air in it. One end will float. As the egg ages, it will develop microfissures in the shell, allowing the air to escape. As this happens, the air dissipates and the egg will no longer float.