Chosen Solution

In order to get my screen to display, I need to twist it. if not, it just displays verticle lines. additionally, I have to place the MacBook next to the router to get a connection to the internet, even then its weak.

there is an “Invalid imageid 57498” message above so here comes the image again ;-)

Sounds like the Data cable might be pinched on the hinge assembly. If this is the case then it’s most likely the culprit for your Airport problems being that all these cables are routed through the hinge assemblies. I would remove the display and re-route these wires or simply replace them now that you’re there. It’s a pretty pain-staking process, but with a little patience it can be done. My first hands on repair was on that same exact machine and it was for the display assembly. You can do it, just follow this guide: MacBook Core 2 Duo LCD Panel Replacement Update Heres a pic courtesy of Markus. It shows the cables in question and where they end up on the Logic Board