Chosen Solution

After replacing display on S21 powered device on and went through functionality checks and front camera will not access.

were you able to fix the front camera with a replacement?

the connector tabs if I remember correctly are just pressure from frame. you will need to check that it is seated correctly.

I’m sure you’ve resolved your issue by now but I’ll add an answer as I just had this issue and spent hours searching the web trying to figure it out. It’s a grounding issue with the main board. Underneath the board on the lower left side, under where the battery plugs in, there’s several contact points that when you switch frames the board grounds out on. To be on the safe side I covered all of the contact points with Kapton tape and reassembled the phone. Powered it on, opened the camera and no message, closed and reopened several times to confirm it worked without issue.

I think I damaged my front camera getting it out of old frame.When I first turned it on rear camera worked front didn’t and after trying it I get camera failed message when opening camera.I ordered new front camera thinking of disconnecting front to see if back camera will work that way until I get new front.

i have the same issue replaced front camera but still not working odd one no solution as yet