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hisense 32k20dw is the model of my tv. yesterday i turned it on it blinked 6 times and i got no picture. from what i read online its more than likely a blown capacitor. i also noticed theres a hissing noise coming from the power supplys pcb board i feel like thats the problem because i checked and i dont see anything fried on the other board but im still a newbie when it comes to things like this so id greatly appreciate some help. the board of intrest im looking at is a RSAG7.820.5338/ROH. i cant isolate the hissing noise it sounds almost like its in between the main board and the power supply. also the hissing noise is greater when the tv is off.

@domfran the caps on your boards look good. Of course the only way to test them would be with a capacitance meter etc. but this could be a backlight issue. Shine a flashlight beam (in a darkened room, TV on and a channel that has sound) at an angle against the display. See if you can make out any silhouettes etc. If so it is your backlight that is not working. That could be related to a bad power board or a bad LED backlight strip. Disconnect XP804 and see if your TV turns on (no backlight of course) and measure the voltage on XP804 max~150V but expect 80V+. After that check the voltage across the pins on C717. Measure the voltage on the fuse on your T-con board as well. Expect 12V on that. Let us know what you find

hello Dom Fakelastname, my name is John. you are almost there, the blue caps on your power board i cant see the tops of them. but if they are push out or split open then that is your issue. or you can replace the board folloing these steps below. best steps to follow, 1: lay t.v. screen down on a soft surface like your bed. 2: remove the screws from the back edge and input connectors as well as the stand. note: back should lift off every easy if you have a struggle there is another screw to be removed. 3: take pictures of the power board it would be the board that the plug goes into. note: leave wires in power board until replacement board comes. 4: google search your make and model T.V. of a replacement power board. reference images with the ones you took. 5: it will be 4 to 5 screws to remove power board and squeeze connectors for the wires. 6: after replacing board lift t.v., plug in, test, and put back together.

I have the same tv and my screen just went black without warning and won’t come back on. The sound still works and I can change channels, just no picture. I do not have a hissing noise with mine. I am unable to pull up the settings, input, or guide because I can’t see anything.