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how to ground or reset the bios chip-set in my net book, asus eee pc seashell series. there is no jumper and if i unplug the cmos battery and plug it, the password is still is a start up password..i cant operate my net book because of the password..i cant remember my password..please help me. thanks

Sadly, the simply battery trick hasn’t worked in a long time for modern BIOS systems, which have mostly transitioned to long-lived flash memory. You’d have to wait much longer than 20 seconds—more on the order of 20 lifetimes. However, many manufacturers have programmed secret “recovery password” prompts that can be accessed on only certain date/times that are the default after a BIOS battery reset. For example, many ASUS laptops (possibly all post-2002?) on Jan 2. 2002 can be bypassed by pressing Alt+R and entering ALAA4ABA. This will not only remove the BIOS passwords, but also any encryption passwords on the harddrive. You can then reboot and set them however you like (and you should—the BIOS is typically buggy and stores nonsense in the admin region after this procedure.) Presumably other manufacturers have thought of similiar secrets that aren’t supposed to be known for use when laptops are mailed in under warranty.

Locate CMOS battery, and disconnect battery for 15-20 seconds, that should clear the BIOS password.

sherwin, here are some good instructions. Check toward the bottom of this page. A bit cumbersome, but it should work. Hope this helps, good luck

Download latest BiOS. Rename it to 1201NL.ROM Switch on your netbook and hold Ctrl+Home Wait till reboot

Here’s how to easily reset your BIOS or UEFI password on Asus laptops: This only works if you can boot into windows (or other OS) ! It will reset you BIOS or UEFI password if you have forgotten it.

  • Boot into windows and change the date to 2002/01/02,
  • Reboot while while hitting F2 to get into the BIOS / UEFI, when the enter password window appears hit “Alt + r”, a “Enter rescue password” window will appear, enter the following rescue password : ALAA4ABA
  • Done ! You’re in the BIOS / UEFI
  • Change back the date and other settings to their correct values in the BIOS / UEFI, save settings, and you’re good. On the internet, you can even find whole lists of date/password couples to enter in the “Enter recovery password” window, i used the one above which worked perfectly… Thanks to… for the solution

For asus laptops: Boot into windows and change the date to 2002/01/02, Reboot while while hitting F2 to get into the BIOS / UEFI When the enter password window appears hit “Alt + r” A “Enter rescue password” window will appear, with 2002/01/02 date showing Enter the following rescue password : ALAA4ABA

as far as i know, there is a method that does work for me;

  • there is a backdoor password or master password for all BIOS passwords and there are websites that you can use to remove it. It might not work for everyone because some processor might not be supported or something…. —> for the website