Chosen Solution

On Step 25, I disconnected the cable nearest to the fan instead of the one on the opposite side. This is the one UNDER the white tape, and when I tried to remove the black plug from the white insert, the white insert detached from the board. Yeah, now I know: DUMB MOVE! However, I cannot figure out where and how to reconnect the white insert to the board. When I look at it with a magnifying glass, it seems all in one piece – the six little metal spikes seem unbroken and the two white holes on the two ends appear okay, too. Can you tell me how to reconnect it? Or do I need to purchase a new board? Thanks, chasslay 1

If the socket is detached from the logic board there are two ways to restore the connection from the inverter cable to the board. NB: it’s almost impossible to resolder the socket to the logic board if you don’t have the machine to reflow the socket but you can: 1- solder a wire from each contact point on the logic board to its specific location on the socket or 2- cut the inverter black connector from the inverter cable and solder the six cables directly to the contact points on the logic board. You need a solder iron with a fine tip to do this job. Dont put solder on the contact points but only a small amount on the wire end then place the wire on the contact point, apply a scotch tape on the wire to keep it directly on the solder point then briefly touch the wire end with the solder iron tip until the solder melt. Be careful, don’t bridge the contact points with solder cause you’d short the board. Once the solder job is done, test the iBook lightning system. If it’s working ok then apply hot glue on the solder job to secure the wires on the motherboard. Warning: this is a skilled tech job. If you do a mistake you can easily destroy your logic board.

Here the socket you’re talking about, it’s the inverter socket on the logic board: iBook G4 800Mhz

To QE Student IT: I am uncertain what you mean by “guide,” so I will describe it as I see it. There is a six-wire lead (wrapped in gray plastic) that comes from underneath the vent for the fan. In order, they go black-green-yellow-white-black-red. (In my previous question, I thought the black-green-white portion was green-black-white. Wrong sequence.) They were inserted into a white plastic plug that has six small metal spikes that line up with identical metal units on the board. The units on the board are approximately 1/2" below and 3/4" to the left of the fan. I disconnected the white piece from the board. Does this help you understand my problem? Thanks, chasslay.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I have a 150-mile round-trip to anybody who works on Macs. And I don’t want to try to solder it myself. So I will ask around and see if I can find anybody locally. Thanks again for your prompt and useful reply to my questions. chasslay.