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Honda Accord 2002 The Story: I disconnect my Battery to charge it( since I’m currently having a problem where the battery is dying p.s its a new battery :/ This battery may be a little bit bigger for this car. ) When I reinstalled the battery and hooked up both terminals The car started honking at me off and on continuously. I haven’t really had a chance to work on this problem and was wondering if any of y’all have any ideas although I have confirmed cranking the car dose not fix anything. All Help is Appreciated! ~Wessi

Most modern vehicles will exhibit this behavior when you disconnect and reconnect the battery. The fix is as simple as using the key or the remote lock fob (if you have electronic door locks) to lock and unlock the car doors one time this will usually silence the horn honking.

For some reason my key fob(panic button) didn’t work. I read some in the owners manual that unlocking the driver side door would turn off the anti-theft system. And it Did!