Chosen Solution

I’m desperate at this point. How in the ever loving !&&*, do I get the hinges back in?! I’ve seen a couple videos (there isn’t a lot out there on this) including on this site and everyone can seem to pop them back in without too much effort. I am reshelling a DS but the hinges won’t go back in all the way flush, they stick out a tiny bit, just the silver head piece. I am breaking my thumb and tools trying to get it back in, it looks like a tiny piece of plastic on the circle end piece is what is stopping it from going all the way in, it has a very slight raised area on top and on the bottom, but it has this on both circle end pieces and on the original case, I can’t get them back in the original case either! I’m not super new to hinges, I’m aware most of them take some effort, I have reshelled and repaired gameboy hinges and newer DS hinges but these are something else, no matter which way I twist it, they won’t go in.

Good morning Raestro, I just watched a video on how to change the Shells and it did talk about towards the end of the first video you sometimes need to trim some of the plastic with an exacto knife from which the way the plastic is molded. Also it shows the importance of putting all the ribbon cables back the correct way to ensure a correct fit. It’s a good video. Here is the link to watch it. I hope it helps. Please let me know, Thanks, John