Chosen Solution

Mac book pro is about 3 years old. Two days ago it wouldn’t power up. It turns off, but only powers into sleep mode. The light on the front was solid on. I went the internet looking for help. Apple + V while pushing start button worked! Great - saved from depression. Today the same problem, but apple+V didn’t work. Tried Mayer’s suggestion - apple + alt + p + r while restarting. Nothing. Help anyone!!!

Maybe a good solution, but I needed my computer, so I succumbed and took it to the professionals. They said I need a new video chip, about a $400 fix. I don’t have the computer back yet, but I hope that ends my problems. Thanks for trying to help.

Safe(shift) boot if that works run Applications->Utilities->Disk Utility->DFA (disk first aid):Repair permissions followed by verify disk. or boot from your install CD/DVD and run the same tools. Remember to return and mark accepted the answer that best solves your problem. Good luck, N.

Hi there, if none of the suggestions that you’ve received already don’t work then it sounds like the logic board is in a suspended state for some reason. The only thing that I can think of is to disconnect ALL power sources (including the onboard battery) and wait for an hour or so. Before you reconnect any power source disconnect the hard drive and use an external firewire hard drive with your installation disk. Hope this gets you some results.

Hey there! I had the same problem and hitting caps lock helped me to start up I had the same problem two weeks ago, when changing the ram slots helped. Now i am afraid to turn the computer off…does anyone know what i can do to make sure it starts again? greetz