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I have just had NBN connected. Phone won’t accept incoming call but we can dial out. Handset displays “check Tel LIne”

HI @cardaw01 , What happens when you press the Menu/Select button on the phone when you reach the Global Setup Menu? If you have a Uniden D1760 phone (is this your model?) there should be at least 6 further options to scroll down (up?) through, including VMWI reset. Here’s a link to the user manual for the phone. Scroll to p.7 to view the list of options or p.13 to view the reset procedure shown under Voice Message Notification

Hi @mags41 , Call your number from another phone e.g. mobile phone, and check what tone signal you get in the calling phone if your phone doesn’t ring. Do you get ringtone, busy tone, voice announcement etc? If you get a ringtone signal in the calling phone, whilst it is still “ringing” in the calling phone try to answer the call on the called phone in the normal manner and check if there is a connection between the two phones i.e ringtone stops in the calling phone and you can talk between the two phones This is only to prove that there may be no ringing current being sent from the NBN modem in your premises but the call is there OK. If you can connect OK then there is a problem with the NBN modem in the premises. Contact your ISP/phone service provider about the problem If you get a dial tone instead when you try to answer the call try the following: If you are a Telstra internet and phone customer dial 1272 2123 from the phone and check if the number repeated back to you is your phone number. (This is a dialling code for a number check to see what number is connected to the line. Be patient as it takes a few moments to repeat the number back). If it is your number then there is a problem with either the modem or the ISP phone connection somewhere, contact Telstra customer service. If it is not your number then again contact Telstra customer service as you are using someone else’s number. If your internet and phone service are provided by another service provider, try calling the same number as above from the phone and check if the number is your number or not. Not sure if this number works with other service providers but if not then contact the internet/phone service provider that you have. If you get a busy signal or a voice announcement when you call your number from another phone, contact your internet/phone service provider about the problem.

If you checked all the cables and they are connected firmly, then reboot the gateway. If this doesn’t resolve the the issue, then contact the telecom that services your NBN (i.e. Telestra?). The issue may be on their end.

If your phone runs through your router just make sure the phone line is plugged into the router correctly.

@milesballaam , What is the make and model number of the phone? Has this phone / phone service setup worked OK before or is it a new setup, either phone or NBN connection? If a new NBN connection, what is the make and model number of the modem that the phone’s base station is connected to? Can you plug a corded phone (or another known working OK portable phone) into the modem’s phone port and see if it works OK on an incoming call? Can you make successful outgoing calls, i.e. calls do not drop out? Is the incoming call that is disconnected on answer from someone you know and you have to call them back etc i.e. have you got CND (calling number display facility)? If not do they call again and the same thing happens or what happens? If you have CND are all incoming calls behaving this way or only some and if only some are they always from the same number or numbers e.g. does this happen if you call your landline number from a mobile phone for instance? All these questions are just trying to isolate whether it is a phone base station/handset problem or perhaps a modem or phone service provider problem or even the possibility of nuisance calls

I had this problem, being newly connected to the NBN. I could ring out on my landphone but it didn’t ring for incoming calls. I simply swapped the phone cable at the modem and plugged it into the second phone plug on my new NBN modem. Now calls are coming to my landphone.