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Hello, I was wondering if there’s a way to recover data from this machine, the issue here is that the device wont start, Faulty bios, water damage and a dead battery, also the mother board has everything soldered I mean RAM, the internal memory, everything. If you could be so amazing as to guide me to a possible solution it would mean the world to me, thanks in advance.

Hi @freezekat , Unfortunately the laptop has to power on and pass POST (Power On Self Test) before any internal or external software boot recovery process can be used to hopefully gain access to the storage data. If it is not starting at all when the power button is pressed then the only recourse is either to try and repair the systemboard to a point where it successfully passes POST, (which would require access to the schematic diagrams for the laptop) and then try to access the storage or contact a data recovery company which has the equipment to read the “chips” that contain the data. This is usually very expensive. There is also no guarantee that the chips where the data has been stored are still OK and that they have not been damaged by the water.

You can remove the hard drive (HDD) from your non-working computer and try to recover the data. Even with everything soldered on your computer, the HDD should still unplug and be removable. Either send the HDD to a computer repair shop that has data recovery services, or add the HDD to a working computer and use that computer to try and recover your data. If the old hard drive still functions, then another computer should be able to read it. You can buy a standalone HDD docking station that has a USB connection to plug into a working computer, or someone tech-savvy can add your old HDD to a working computer. There’s free and inexpensive data recovery software that you can run on a working computer to try and recover as much as possible from your old computer’s HDD. If your old hard drive doesn’t function properly, then an option is to send it to a data recovery specialist and that is usually very expensive.