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My girlfriend dropped her phone in water and it is now dead. Is there a way to test the logic board to ensure that it is the problem?

When you suspect the logic board is the problem, it is the problem.

ltaylor2330,“dropped her phone in water and it is now dead”. You won’t have to test it if you do not clean it properly and replace the battery after you cleaned it. It will definitely be dead. At a minimum, disassemble it and clean it. Stop trying to use it, stop trying to sync/charge it since that could make things worse.

Get a multi meter on and check your power chip and move on untill you find the problem and if you dont know how to use it just YouTube it as i did and i had no clue and ive learnt everything off YouTube and now im fixing iphone ipads tvs all over phones and pads and i was shocked how much I learnt of the internet and now im thriving, ? Good luck