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how do i replace the transmission dipstick tube seal on my 1995 chevy suburban?

DENNIS, look on the dip stick tube. There should be a mounting bracket with one mounting bolt. It should be a 10mm bolt, remove that. The dipstick tube should just pull out of the transmission. You may have to twist it hard a couple of times. Even so it is a simple pressfit, it may still be pretty tight and may need some “convincing” to be removed. When replacing the old dipstick tube there is an O-ring on the the bottom, about 1 inch up from the end. Use some RTV sealant on that O-ring before installing it back onto the transmission. I also find that it helps to place the new tube in the freezer until you are ready to install it. This will contract the tube slightly and will make it easier to reinstall. The pressfit and the small bracket are enough to hold the tube in place. Hope this helps, good luck.

Where does the bracket attach? I have recently become a 4th gen Chevy pickup onwer. I noticed that it would leak ATF when parked facing down hill. Found it was the seal you folks are talking about. Then realized the tube was not attached. I can’t seem to find where the 10mm bolt goes to attach said tube. Any help would be appreciated.