Chosen Solution

I get the ERR 02 flashing when any CF Card is inserted. A piece of the copper fingers that insert into the card is broken and I would like to repair myself. Anyone got any ideas on how to do it?

here is a disassembling guide - but their focus is the sensor mod - so you won’t have to go all the way. the cf slot problem is bad - some were lucky and could use adapters for different memory cards - like here

it’s quite easy. Take a needle and cut of the last 4 mm including the head. Put it in the compact flash card in the hole where the missing pin fits. And.. it’s working.

One CF pins was bent down inside the camera. I tried filling the corresponding hole with copper wire stripped from an old, unrelated recharger cord, but that didn’t work. So I took an eyeglass screwdriver and was able to flick/bend the CF pin back up and, voila, it worked. That said I’m never buying anything with CF again…

My 5 year old Canon Rebel XT had 3 missing pins (not sure how they were broken off) in the CF card port. Instead of needles, which were a bit too large to fit into the CF slots, my Hubby used 2 small copper wire pieces entwined to make one wire equal to the size of the pins’ diameter. He filled the 3 corresponding holes in the CF card with the wire… he left a tiny bit of it sticking out, but snipped off the rest. The CF card works perfectly now! YAY!

I had part of a pin from my Rebel XTI break off and get lodged in my CF card while at the Grand Canyon. Does anyone know how to get it out, someone who could get it out, or where to send it to get this done? I am clueless on where to start and don’t want to tear open the card and ruin the 400+ photos on the card. Any help is appreciated.

I would simply have gone to a Jewellery supply shop and bought a cheap pair of needle nose Jewellers tweezers, these have hard steel jaws which are only 1/64 wide at the points. Push them into the slot, get a grip on the broken pin and pull it out. The socket is a different matter again, the pins usually break because someone forces a card into the slot the wrong way round. if you can dismantle the socket out of the camera, you find that the pins are made of Gold plated Hard bronze, if they get bent, they usually drastically weaken because the next time a card is inserted, it will bend the pin flat. People tend to straighten them again using a small screwdriver and that leaves them fractured and ready to break. The next card insert snaps them off. However, the saving grace is that the pin protrudes out of the back of the white plastic insulator block by about 3 mm. Do not touch it’s soldered connection, but bend the wire so that the solder moves to the immediate back of the insulator. That leaves you with a new pin which is about 3 mm long and will work with any card. Fix it at the back with a drop of epoxy glue and reassemble. This will take a couple of hours but if you are handy with your hands, you will be able to do it easily

If you still happen to have the snapped off bits of pin, then putting them in the corresponding holes will work TEMPORARILY. What will happen afterwards is that after tiny shakes your camera receives. Whether that’s walking around with it or putting it down. will cause the pins to dislodge a bit and the photos will kind of corrupt when you try to access them. So then when you try to put them back correctly the pins don’t come out the holes easily and in conclusion it is unlikely that you’ll get them back in the same way without losing them like I did or with them actually falling inside the CF card, which is apparently possible. Solution: Well the first solution is to go to a shop like Jessops to get it fixed. NOT HAPPENING!! Because the CF reader dslr s are older models it’s harder for them to get the parts, they will usually replace the whole reader unit, Costing you more than the price of the brand new 250D (400 quid), so you might as well get that. But it seems a waste. I wanted to be sure buying the new camera taking sd cards was the final option! So the next solution was getting it soldered. Well I couldn’t do that, I am quite young and didn’t have that sort of equipment, space or the time. so I could get somebody else to do it. Here I would recommend going to a camera club. This is because the people there will know a lot about your camera, how and where to fix it, for the best price. Some people manage to just put copper wires in the corresponding CF card holes in place of the pins, if you get the right diameter this can sometimes work. I would recommend getting a CF card with a big memory, So you can keep it in there permanently and just transfer files to your computer with a USB lead. If using this method, you could ask the club what glue to use on the ‘pins’ to permanently fix it. On the other hand they may recommend a different method. so that’s fine I guess! If all goes to fail you can buy the 250D, sell the old camera and keep your EFS lenses and polarizing filters. I mean don’t beat yourself up about it. We are in 2019. My 400D came out in 2006. That’s thirteen whole years of use! which is excellent and worth your time and money. The 250D is sooo much better and will help you evolve to the growing competition. You can even trade it in now if it wasn’t already broken but you think it will because its old (various other information finders). So it depends on what you want for your future. Get all the advice first before you make a finalised decision!