Chosen Solution

hello, 1st timer here in forum. i recently bought a new iphone 12 pro max. and I though i should install a camera lens protector. they only have the round ones. after letting them installed it for me, when i went home i noticed the ghost round thing on the phone when i use the camera. I just turned on this new phone when i got home for the first time so i have no idea if its the iphone camera or the lens protector. heres what it looks like…

i took a foto of my wall btw. that’s the ghost thing. sorry for the bad quality of the uploaded foto. I need help how to remove it. I can’t decide either doing it myself or bringing it to the store for help taking it off.

You could use pretty much anything to take it off actually. Those lenses can’t be scraped by something steel so I would just use a pocket knife and just kinda stab into it at an angle and lift up. That should pull the entire “protector” without scraping the camera. Apple has been making camera lenses pretty durable for a while now. You should be all good to grab a knife and peel it off, but you can also feel free to just try to pick at it with a plastic guitar pick or something similar.

It seemed risky but I was able to successfully remove mine with a needle.. I just poked in right in the middle of the protector and lens just enough to lift it up not so deep. And it just popped off. Hope this helped